Work Sample
Level Design working progress
Silver Lining 2022
The Game
Although looking back this is not very detailed and does not provide with the actual layout with props. Also it can be improved by adding more walls or larger props. This would have given the player more things to explore and hide behind.
This particular level is the last part of the game. My thoughts were to have narrow corridors to force the player to push forward. The dot is the stating point. But the rooms them self are quite open to create an feeling of emptiness.
Although looking back this is not very detailed and does not provide with the actual layout with props. Also it can be improved by adding more walls or larger props. This would have given the player more things to explore and hide behind.
This particular map is the starting map also this one is quite open but has many different rooms the player can go into and explore. Part of the design was having long and narrow corridors. The main goal of the design was to give the player cover more than the previous map.
In hindsight this could have been more compressed and the length of the corridors could have been slight reduced. Also adding more turns and adding more corners would have made the level more complex. Implementing this during the creation process could have improved the level, but due to the deadline for this part of the project being one day, it didn't happen.
Things that I have learn from Silver Lining was to prioritize and make quick decisions. Then sticking with them , but in hindsight I would have been better to have added more of an labyrinth for each level. This would have made it more complex and add time spent in each level. For the next project will prioritize making a game loop diagram and check for where I can increase complexity. Also the placement of the props did not add very much change in the flow of the level. I thing to improve on is adding more props blocking off areas and provide cover for the player against enemies.